123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- cpp_quote("/**")
- cpp_quote(" * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.")
- cpp_quote(" * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.")
- cpp_quote(" */")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("#include <winapifamily.h>")
- cpp_quote("")
- import "unknwn.idl";
- import "oaidl.idl";
- cpp_quote("")
- struct CodecAPIEventData {
- GUID guid;
- DWORD dataLength;
- DWORD reserved[3];
- };
- cpp_quote("")
- interface IStream;
- cpp_quote("")
- [object, local, uuid (901db4c7-31ce-41a2-85dc-8fa0bf41b8da), pointer_default (unique)]
- interface ICodecAPI : IUnknown {
- HRESULT IsSupported ([in] const GUID *Api);
- HRESULT IsModifiable ([in] const GUID *Api);
- HRESULT GetParameterRange ([in] const GUID *Api,[out] VARIANT *ValueMin,[out] VARIANT *ValueMax,[out] VARIANT *SteppingDelta);
- HRESULT GetParameterValues ([in] const GUID *Api,[out, size_is (,*ValuesCount)] VARIANT **Values,[out] ULONG *ValuesCount);
- HRESULT GetDefaultValue ([in] const GUID *Api,[out] VARIANT *Value);
- HRESULT GetValue ([in] const GUID *Api,[out] VARIANT *Value);
- HRESULT SetValue ([in] const GUID *Api,[in] VARIANT *Value);
- HRESULT RegisterForEvent ([in] const GUID *Api,[in] LONG_PTR userData);
- HRESULT UnregisterForEvent ([in] const GUID *Api);
- HRESULT SetAllDefaults (void);
- HRESULT SetValueWithNotify ([in] const GUID *Api,[in] VARIANT *Value,[out, size_is (,*ChangedParamCount)] GUID **ChangedParam,[out] ULONG *ChangedParamCount);
- HRESULT SetAllDefaultsWithNotify ([out, size_is (,*ChangedParamCount)] GUID **ChangedParam,[out] ULONG *ChangedParamCount);
- HRESULT GetAllSettings ([in] IStream *);
- HRESULT SetAllSettings ([in] IStream *);
- HRESULT SetAllSettingsWithNotify (IStream *,[out, size_is (,*ChangedParamCount)] GUID **ChangedParam,[out] ULONG *ChangedParamCount);
- }
- cpp_quote("#endif")