wsdhost.idl 3.1 KB

  1. /**
  2. * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.
  3. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
  4. */
  5. cpp_quote("#include <winapifamily.h>")
  6. cpp_quote("")
  8. import "oaidl.idl";
  9. import "ocidl.idl";
  10. import "wsdxmldom.h";
  11. import "wsdtypes.h";
  12. cpp_quote("")
  13. interface IWSDAddress;
  14. interface IWSDXMLContext;
  15. interface IWSDDeviceHost;
  16. interface IWSDDeviceHostNotify;
  17. interface IWSDServiceMessaging;
  18. [object, restricted, uuid (b5bee9f9-eeda-41fe-96f7-f45e14990fb0), pointer_default (unique)]
  19. interface IWSDDeviceHostNotify : IUnknown {
  20. HRESULT GetService ([in] LPCWSTR pszServiceId,[out] IUnknown **ppService);
  21. };
  22. [object, local, restricted, uuid (94974cf4-0cab-460d-a3f6-7a0ad623c0e6), pointer_default (unique)]
  23. interface IWSDServiceMessaging : IUnknown {
  24. HRESULT SendResponse ([in] void *pBody,[in] WSD_OPERATION *pOperation,[in] IWSDMessageParameters *pMessageParameters);
  25. HRESULT FaultRequest ([in] WSD_SOAP_HEADER *pRequestHeader,[in] IWSDMessageParameters *pMessageParameters,[in, optional] WSD_SOAP_FAULT *pFault);
  26. };
  27. [object, local, restricted, uuid (917fe891-3d13-4138-9809-934c8abeb12c), pointer_default (unique)]
  28. interface IWSDDeviceHost : IUnknown {
  29. HRESULT Init ([in] LPCWSTR pszLocalId,[in, optional] IWSDXMLContext *pContext,[in, optional] IWSDAddress **ppHostAddresses,[in, optional] DWORD dwHostAddressCount);
  30. HRESULT Start ([in] ULONGLONG ullInstanceId,[in] const WSD_URI_LIST *pScopeList,[in, optional] IWSDDeviceHostNotify *pNotificationSink);
  31. HRESULT Stop ();
  32. HRESULT Terminate ();
  33. HRESULT RegisterPortType ([in] const WSD_PORT_TYPE *pPortType);
  34. HRESULT SetMetadata ([in] const WSD_THIS_MODEL_METADATA *pThisModelMetadata,[in] const WSD_THIS_DEVICE_METADATA *pThisDeviceMetadata,[in, optional] const WSD_HOST_METADATA *pHostMetadata,[in, optional] const WSD_METADATA_SECTION_LIST *pCustomMetadata);
  35. HRESULT RegisterService ([in] LPCWSTR pszServiceId,[in] IUnknown *pService);
  36. HRESULT RetireService ([in] LPCWSTR pszServiceId);
  37. HRESULT AddDynamicService ([in] LPCWSTR pszServiceId,[in, optional] LPCWSTR pszEndpointAddress,[in, optional] const WSD_PORT_TYPE *pPortType,[in, optional] const WSDXML_NAME *pPortName,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pAny,[in, optional] IUnknown *pService);
  38. HRESULT RemoveDynamicService ([in] LPCWSTR pszServiceId);
  39. HRESULT SetServiceDiscoverable ([in] LPCWSTR pszServiceId,[in] BOOL fDiscoverable);
  40. HRESULT SignalEvent ([in] LPCWSTR pszServiceId,[in] const void *pBody,[in] const WSD_OPERATION *pOperation);
  41. };
  42. cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI WSDCreateDeviceHost(LPCWSTR pszLocalId, IWSDXMLContext *pContext, IWSDDeviceHost **ppDeviceHost);")
  43. cpp_quote("#if WINVER >= 0x601")
  44. cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI WSDCreateDeviceHost2(LPCWSTR pszLocalId, IWSDXMLContext *pContext, WSD_CONFIG_PARAM *pConfigParams, DWORD dwConfigParamCount, IWSDDeviceHost **ppDeviceHost);")
  45. cpp_quote("#endif")
  46. cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI WSDCreateDeviceHostAdvanced(LPCWSTR pszLocalId, IWSDXMLContext *pContext, IWSDAddress** ppHostAddresses, DWORD dwHostAddressCount, IWSDDeviceHost **ppDeviceHost);")
  47. cpp_quote("#endif")